Often residents are the first to notice that something is in need attention e.g a blocked drain, an overflowing litter bin, an overhanging tree or a pothole in the road.  The quickest way to remedy any problem is to report it directly to the responsible body.

Kent Highway Services is the branch of Kent County Council responsible for maintaining all the county’s public roads, pavements and cycleways, (with the exception of motorways and trunk roads which are the responsibility of the Highways Agency).   If you need to report an issue please telephone 08458 247800, or click here to report it using their online facility.  Alternatively you can visit their website at www.kent.gov.uk/highways for further information.

Maidstone Borough Council is responsible for sweeping the roads and pavements; controlling weeds; emptying litter bins; dealing with graffiti, fly tipping and fly posting; and maintaining a litter free environment.  The Environmental Services Hotline can be contacted on 01622 602162 for information or to report a problem, or alternatively send an email via the Maidstone Borough Council homepage. There is a facility on Maidstone Borough Council’s website to report problems such as overflowing litter bins, dog mess and other issues through their online portal see here.  In addition, if you are concerned about problems with air quality, public health drainage problems, noise, odour, light, insect nuisance you can call the Pollution Team on 01622 602202.

Civil Parking Enforcement in Tovil is contracted to APCOA Parking.  If you are concerned about vehicles parked in contravention you can report them directly to APCOA by calling 01622 751457 or emailing and APCOA will consider any intelligence you provide when patrolling the area.

The Planning Enforcement Team deals with unauthorised development, caravan sites, and open and untidy spaces.  They can be contacted on 01622 602736 or by email on 

The Food, Health and Safety Team deals with issues of food safety, infectious disease control and health and safety at work.  You can contact them on 01622 602202.

You can also obtain information regarding these and other services by visiting the Maidstone Borough Council website at www.maidstone.gov.uk/

If you notice a problem with a footpath or bridleway e.g. it is obstructed, or a stile or kissing gate is broken, this can be reported via Kent County Council’s on-line fault reporting system by clicking here. If you would like more general information about PROWs visit KCC’s website at www.kent.gov.uk/waste-planning-and-land/public-rights-of-way

As an alternative to a direct approach to the responsible body please contact the Clerk who in turn will contact the responsible body and monitor the response.  If you wish to report a problem to the Clerk please use the email facility which is accessible from the Homepage of this website.